Words by Joy

Let God be God

A few years ago, my husband was diagnosed with cancer.  The focus of our life changed.  We wanted him to live.  Doctors, medicines, chemo and radiation became part of our routine.  But above all that, we prayed.  Others prayed.  He was anointed with oil.  

Bottom line, we gave the results to God.  He knew what was best.  We let Him be God.  

John did not live.  My life changed.  I miss him greatly.  But my life has a purpose and I live each day with peace and joy in my heart.  God has not forgotten me.  

Recently, I’ve had surgery on both eyes.  If they work, my advancement toward blindness will have been halted.  I don’t want to be blind.  I’ve done what I can.  And now I pray.  Others pray. 

I’m getting on with my life and I’m letting God be God.  

Today, four days after our presidential election, we still don’t know who our president is.  Predictions are leaning one way.  I’ve observed the destruction of varying political views. Close friends are blocking each other on Facebook.  Other relationships are totally broken.  I have dear friends who pour out hate and foul language, until I no longer recognize them.  I have very strong feelings about which way I want it to go.  But I refuse to spew hatred toward or about another person. 

I’ve done my part.  I voted.  Life goes on.  When the dust settles, God will still be God.  

8 thoughts on “Let God be God

  1. I agree with you 100% thank you so much for taking the time to write this! Our God is always in Control! And he is always good! God bless you Joy ❤️

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