Words by Joy

Just That Quickly

My daughter calls me every evening as she drives home after a long day.  Last night we were chatting away when I heard a bang, crashing, screeching and squealing.  Wondering what all that noise was, I waited for her to explain.  Silence.  Fear gripped me.  A car wreck, with me listening.  Finally, she spoke.  “I just got hit by a car.  I need to call the police.  I’m okay.” 

Just that quickly, our lives were altered.  

It seemed forever before I heard her voice again.  She had been taken by ambulance to the ER, awaiting tests and X-rays.  “My back is hurting, but I think I’m okay.”  Beautiful words.  Then God and I had a long, long talk.  Mine was full of praise and requests for her care.  But gratefulness flooded my soul.  

Just that quickly, she could have been gone.  

As I pondered that thought, my heart rejoiced in the knowledge that if she had been taken from us, she would have immediately been in the presence of Jesus, His arms surrounding her.  That’s not such a bad place to be.  Those of us still on earth would have grieved, but with hope of seeing her again. 

The words, just that quickly, do not apply only to other people.  They pertain to you as you read this writing.  It doesn’t always happen to the other guy.  Just that quickly, your life could be changed too.  

If a sudden disaster were to occur in your life, are you ready?  Certainly made me think about mine.  

“For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go.”  Psalm 91:11 (NLT)

6 thoughts on “Just That Quickly

  1. Oh, Joy, I am So thankful your daughter is okay. I love the lesson you weaved from this story. “Just that quickly.” Profound.

    1. Thank you, Rita. Been almost 24 hours of deep thinking. We’ve talked before about death, since the passing of my husband. She is ready. That’s so reassuring.

  2. So thankful your daughter will be okay, and too for His angels watching over us….Psalm 91:11-12

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