Words by Joy

God is…

As I work on my next book about John’s cancer journey, I am reminded time and again that he repeated the phrase, “You think you’re in charge, but you’re not…God is” to his many health care workers.  So, whatever turn his journey took, we could rest in that promise.  

In our world today, we have leaders who think they are in charge.  I would love to say to them, “You think you’re in charge, but you’re not…God is.”  They are drastically changing our world into a place I don’t even recognize.  But if you read the Bible, these alterations are not a shock.  

I’m trusting in God.  None of this is a surprise to Him. 

“For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.”  Romans 13:1 (NLT)