Words by Joy

Cookie Dough and Dog Poop

You go to the grocery store and purchase the finest ingredients to make some cookies.  The best flour.  Real butter.  Top of the line chocolate chips.  When it’s time to make those cookies, you place all those items in a mixing bowl; stir it up really well.  And then you add just one more thing to the bowl…a scoop of dog poop…and you blend it in.  You’ve used nothing but the best ingredients.  The cookies should be really tasty.  Right? 

I wouldn’t want to eat them. 

As a Christ-follower, I’ve endeavored to follow the teachings of Jesus.  Being kind, patient, and loving have been goals of mine.  They became a part of my persona as a Christ-follower.  But what if, occasionally I added some filthy words…or getting drunk.  Maybe just stealing a little bit.  It would be just a small part of who I am, so really shouldn’t affect the rest of my Christian witness.  Right?  

As I have grown as a Christian, I’ve asked God to show me where I needed to do some work.  And I’ve learned to not ever ask that if I didn’t really want to know.  

He began to show me some of the movies, tv shows and books I enjoyed had just a little bit of dog poop in them.  A few years ago, I stopped reading some of my favorite authors; stopped watching some tv shows and movies.  

During the lockdown, when my entertainment was basically up to me at home, I faithfully set my DVR to record certain tv shows.  I enjoyed the camaraderie among the characters and followed what might happen next in their lives.  Recently, I became aware of some dog poop in some of those shows.  But basically, overall, the story line was a good one.  Helping others.  Resolving issues.  

But what about those few minutes of dog poop?  I rationalized I could just fast forward through that part.  I decided I would try that.  But I knew the show just wouldn’t be the same.  Those characters weren’t who I thought they were.  

I deleted them from my “to record” list.  

I grew up in a very legalistic church.  I NEVER want to be one of those.  I’m on a journey…my personal Christian journey.  I’m making choices for me.  It is not up to me to tell anyone else (unless they ask) how to take their journey. That is between them and their God. 

And so, I started to write “I’m trying to stay on the path God has laid out for me.”  Instantly, I heard Yoda.  “Do.  Or do not.  There is no try.”  

“…Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. …” Philippians 4:8 (NLT)

One thought on “Cookie Dough and Dog Poop

  1. Amen Joy….! Even for a seasoned Christian, focus on WWJD….seems to be a daily, moment by moment walk and praying for a fresh infilling of His Spirit to help us in the journey. Thanks for penning your thoughts. You continue to be a source of spiritual encouragement…..!

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